Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's Showtime!

As some of you may know, I have a little theatre company that I've been involved with for the past five years. And for the past 7 weeks I've been working to produce our next show that happens to be opening this Friday, October 18th.

I'll take this moment now to do a little plugging as any good producer would do. It's a hilarious farce, full of mistaken identity and ridiculous situations that will have the audience laughing out loud in their seats. Get your tickets here!


Oh, and did I mention that I'm also performing in it? Well, I am. So for the past 7 weeks my schedule has looked a little like this:

6:30am - Alarm goes off
8:30am - Arrive to work after spending an hour and a half in traffic. LA really sucks sometimes
7:20pm - Finish work day and head to rehearsal
10:40pm - 11pm - Finish rehearsal and head home
11:30pm - 12am - Home

In my pre-pregger days this schedule wouldn't have been a problem. I probably would have even stayed up much too late unwinding with a glass of wine or two before doing it all again. But during pregnancy, it's hell. Especially without the wine to calm me the f*** down.

Pregnancy is exhausting business people. And when everything annoys the shit out of you anyway and your beloved wine is off limits, things can get a little turbulent. Not that I'm complaining - just trying to get through it. Nik's been doing his best to get through it as well, poor guy. I will seriously come home after a long day and walk straight to the bedroom without even a word hello. And on evenings when there is no rehearsal he's lucky if I'm able to keep my eyes open past 10pm. The other week I made him watch 'What To Expect When You're Expecting' with me. I fell asleep about half way through and he didn't even turn it off. Proof of how awesome he's been. Of course now he's going to kill me because I just let it slip that he watched "What To Expect When You're Expecting' while his pregnant wife lay snoozing on the couch. But seriously, he's been great. Knowing when to cower in the man cave and let me have my space. And knowing when I need a hug even after making him cower in the man cave.

Poor Nik

Anyway, so yeah. I'm in a play. Nik asked if I was sure I wanted to do it with everything else going on. I figured it could very well be the last time I get to act for a long time so hell yeah, I wanted to do it. However, now that opening night is almost here I am beginning to rethink my decision. Oh, not because of the stress or exhaustion or any of that. But because on opening night I'll be exactly 15 weeks along. And the show opens with me wearing something resembling this . . .

At least I'm fully covered. In the second act I get to strip down on stage and wear something like this . . .

Good thing my boobs look fabulous now. Pregnancy 'perk'! (Pun intended) The mid section? Meh, not so much. I know, I know. Here I was all gloating in your face with my previous blog about those Doritos and cheddar cheese binges. Well, I think I'm beginning to see the effects now. In fact, I'm not sure if I'm seeing the first signs of a bump or if that's just my lunch. Sexy, huh?

Anyway, the show runs for three weeks so I'll be pushing 18 weeks on closing night. So even if live theatre isn't your thing you should still come and play 'See If  You Can Spot The Baby Bump'. Besides, you knows when you'll get the chance to see me perform next. Except for in April of course when I take on the role of Mother. Which let's face it, will probably be funnier than the character I'm playing now.

P.S. If you are one of my many friends or relatives that live too far away to see my bump on stage but would still like to support my theatre company, you are welcome to make a donation here. All proceeds go toward helping making the show the biggest success it can be!

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