And just like that, I'm on to the second trimester . . .
Which has been pretty awesome so far. Not much in the way of symptoms. No more queasiness, no more super sensitive nose, no more wanting to punch people in the throat. Well, not much of that last one anyway. But also a little worrisome. Since most of my symptoms have disappeared, I'm not really showing and I can't feel the baby move yet I'm always afraid that something's wrong. Fear has definitely been a common theme throughout but I plan to dedicate an entire post on that subject later.
So here's me at 12 weeks . . . not much change.
Go Cards! |
And here I am at 16 weeks, looking a little rounder.
Bump or lunch? |
I had my 16 week doctor's appointment last week and everything went well. Although I will never understand why they take your blood pressure directly after having you step on the scale. Looks like I gained a couple pounds since my last appointment. I blamed it on my morning bagel. But then I got to hear the baby's heart beat. A strong 150 beats per minute. Pretty much the most amazing sound EVER.
But since I still have three performances left of the show I'm in (which you can read about here) I've been trying not to indulge all of my cravings. Which is extra difficult to do around Halloween when chocolate and candy is plentiful and always within my hand's reach.
But I did sign up for a spinning/prenatal yoga series. With my job and the show my workout regimen has suffered so I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. I took a spin class last Friday for the first time in two months. The doc told me to keep my heart rate below 150 when exercising which is slightly annoying. I like to work out hard and pacing myself is no fun. But neither is abstaining from alcohol, so yeah. Everything I have read recommends indoor cycling as a great workout for pregnant mommas. Whoever said that must have forgotten about a little thing called your bladder. During a spin class you do these things called jumps where you're in your saddle (aka seat) for an 8 count, stand for an 8 count, sit for an 8 count, and so on. So each time you stand your baby (now apparently the size of an avocado) gets pressed against your bladder. Awesome sauce. I love my spin instructor though. He's a great motivator. I wonder if he hires out as a birth coach. I may need someone telling me how awesome and strong I am and to really push myself hard.
I also took my first prenatal yoga class last week as well. Now, I've done some yoga in the past year. Regular yoga, hot yoga, yoga with weights. Prenatal yoga is essentially a bunch of pregnant women rolling around on the floor. I didn't even break a sweat. I also felt like a poser. All the other women in the room had big, beautiful, round baby bumps. They probably thought I was lying when I told them I was 4 months along. But whatever. Besides, I made a deal with my kid a while back. If the little nugget could stay little until my show was over then we'll hit up In 'n Out when it's over. Chocolate milk shake and everything - my treat.
Get in my belly! |
I really shouldn't knock prenatal yoga though. I'm sure the bigger I get the more difficult it will become. And I definitely had some sore hamstrings the following day from all those lovely crescent poses which is great news for my legs. I'm hoping to stay pregnant in my belly and not in my thighs. Also, I've already started feeling the pangs of my ribcage starting to expand which is no fun at all. I was wondering how I was going to fit a (please lord, no more than) 7 pound baby in my short torso as it is. Now I know. The yoga should help ease all the stretching ligaments and shit. And the moving around of organs. Here's a visual of a non-pregnant woman vs. a pregnant woman.
What the hell?! Everything gets shifted and flattened out. That doesn't look comfortable at all.
But I can't complain too much. So far it's been a pretty easy pregnancy and it's been going by pretty fast. I'm 40% done! With work and the show that I've been producing/acting in I've had a lot of distractions. Oh, and we're moving too. I'll let you know how that goes. And in three weeks Nik and I get to find out if we're having a son or daughter. Son or daughter. Woah!
Mind = Blown